Do you want to improve or refresh your teaching skills? Share your expertise with others? Network with other teachers? Learn to Teach on line? Do you or your faculty need to document participation in faculty development about teaching for regulatory agencies?
IEE Summer Teaching Camp 2020 registration is OPEN. It will be virtual, therefore we are limiting sessions to 35 participants, to create a positive on-line learning experience. Registration will be by "first come, first serve".
Joseph Cofrancesco Jr. MD, MPH, FACP Director, Institute for Excellence in Education Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Institute for Excellence in Education Professor of Medicine Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Professor of Acute and Chronic Care |
Medicine Offices: Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center Room 7155 601 North Caroline Street Baltimore, Maryland 21287 410-955-5515 Fax: 410-614-1195 | | Green Spring Station: 410-583-2900, option 3 Bartlett Clinic 410-955-1725 | | IEE Offices: Armstrong Medical Education Building 1600 McElderry Street Suite 230 Baltimore, Maryland 21205 443-287-4435 |
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