A few thoughts and a question.
IDK could be, I noticed two slight blips < 50 recently will have to view their vaccination status. On the surface with some having received boosters, would appear to be quite a bit of elapsed time since the initial vaccination when the blips appeared.
So 4 total patients? out of how many?
Any cases in those who did not have the vaccine? What about prior to covid mRNA vaccines, were there any cases?
Something to drill down for sure.
Michael Roggelin MSN, AGNP-C, FPA-ANP, AAHIVS
Orlando, FL
Original Message:
Sent: 12-15-2021 08:54
From: Angela Kapalko
Subject: low level viremia in historically suppressed patients who have taken mRNA vaccine
Just wanted to see if anyone else has seen/noticed any trends recently in low level viremia (under 200 copies) in historically well controlled patients (normally <20) who have had either pfizer or moderna vaccines. I work in a large HIV practice and we have all recently noticed a handful of patients on all different single tablet regimens (personally I seen it in 1 biktarvy, one symtuza and 2 dovato patients) with recent low level viremia confirmed with a 2nd reading 2ish weeks later (on patients' request due to concern). On review of charts, all 4 have gotten either pfizer or moderna, and all have had at least the first two vaccines (2 out of 4 also had booster). we thought it was a lab issue so we asked our colleagues at another office who use a different lab and they have seen it too. its not like its TONS of people, but its enough to make eyebrows raise. anyone else see any trends? we are just starting to pool our data in house to see what we have between all providers.
Angela Kapalko
Physician Assistant Chairperson for AAHIVM
Philadelphia FIGHT CommunityHealth Centers
Philadelphia PA