Academy Exchange

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  • 1.  Influenza Vaccine High Dose

    Posted 09-22-2020 12:45
    Question regarding influenza vaccine.
    Is there any study or literature that recommends the High Dose influenza vaccine in adults with HIV?
    Does one consider a High dose vaccine for any HIV+ patient below the age of 65?
    Does anyone consider giving a regular dose strength to an HIV+ patient and then boosting with a second dose 6-8weeks later?

    Robert L Brandt Jr
    Oakwood OH

  • 2.  RE: Influenza Vaccine High Dose

    Posted 09-22-2020 15:46
    The Medical Letter did a review of this year's influenza vaccines on Sept 11, 2020.  They recommend age appropriate influenza vaccine for immunocompromised persons, so regular dose vaccine for PWH under age 65 and high dose for over 65, using inactivated or recombinant vaccine.


    Jonathan Appelbaum
    Florida State University
    Tallahassee FL