
Doris Jolley

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New Orleans, LA

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Medical School Essay

A medical school essay is a brief and analytical text composed to fulfill a course or degree requirement for medical school. Medical school essays will most likely appear on medical school exams, but it is possible that medical school essays may also be assigned for course credit, students are often assisted by the best essay writing services. Medical school essays on exams will often be written under time constraint, and therefore require the student to be clear and comprehensive, but also concise. This concision is what makes a medical school essay different from a take-home essay a student may have written for his or her undergraduate courses—there is no space or time for elaborate explanations, flowery language, or perfect finesse.

A medical school essaypro ​written for an exam will be composed in response to a very specific prompt. This prompt will typically be unknown to the student before the exam begins. Many students—especially students who have anxiety about test taking—panic when they read essay prompts. This is because the prompt will often be lengthy and complex, which makes many learners want to rush through the reading and thinking aspects of the composition process and get straight to writing. This should be avoided, as it is better to spend more time thinking about and planning the report than writing the document. Once a writer has a plan in mind and points to make, the writing itself will take only a matter of minutes. If a student rushes to begin writing without critically considering his or her plan, the article is more likely to be jumbled and incomplete.

Therefore, the best way to approach a medical school essay is to first spend considerable time carefully reading and rereading the report prompt. If possible, the student should highlight or underline the primary directions in the prompt so that he or she is perfectly clear on what the report prompt is demanding. Next, the student should spend a few minutes brainstorming and planning the document. This requires pausing to consider multiple angles of approach rather than launching into or committing to an idea right away. A few minutes spent critically analyzing the varying ideas one could explore in a medical school essay are well worth the logical and well-planned result they produce. All of these ideas—even the ones that will be eventually discarded—should be written down on a scrap piece of paper so the pupil can return to them during the outlining and writing process if necessary.

After the student has generated several ideas and has thought them through, the student should then spend a minute or two sketching a rough outline. This outline should simply list the main points the writer wishes to make in the order in which he or she wishes to make them. This way, the writer will have an exact plan for the report, and will be able to begin writing without worrying about the article's structure or direction.

After the outline is complete, the student should begin writing while carefully allotting his or her time so that each point is developed equally. Once the writing is complete, the student should reread the report to check for grammar and spelling errors

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