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Five things New Patients need to know and PrEP

  • 1.  Five things New Patients need to know and PrEP

    Posted 26 days ago

    As an HIV-positive peer in an ID Clinic that's redoing its Peer Program, what are the top five things you want your newly diagnosed patients and those having issues adhering to their meds to know? Do you see gaps or common basic unknowns on their side? How can we help them to better help you? 

    Also, our Ryan White grand for our PrEP Navigator has not been renewed, and I'm going to begin meeting with people we feel would benefit from PrEP. Do you have any talking points or info decks you can point me to to better explain their risks, especially for straight women? 

    Thank you all I appreciate your wealth of knowledge.

    Brooke Davidoff 

    Brooke Davidoff
    Kansas City, MO
    PWN,, SisterLove, LWS, PLW HIV Caucus