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  • 1.  High dose influenza vaccine

    Posted 09-29-2023 11:17

    Thoughts or data to back up giving high dose flu vaccine to all HIV patients regardless of age or how about to under 65 but with low CD4 counts?  Current guidelines state only for age 65 and older...

    David Farber
    Rapid City SD

  • 2.  RE: High dose influenza vaccine

    Posted 09-29-2023 16:43
    The FDA approval for high dose flu vaccine is for people over age 65. For our practice it would be a non-starter for younger folks, even with HIV, since the insurance claims would be rejected and we do not have a way to subsidize the cost. There may or may not be data favoring its use for people of any age with HIV, but unless the official indication changes, reimbursement would be the roadblock to implementation. 

    Peter Shalit, MD, PhD, FACP, AAHIVS