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  • 1.  Monkeypox vaccination

    Posted 07-27-2022 10:56
    Are folks planning to vaccinate those with CD4 < 200 with the Jynneos vaccine?

    Ben Sokoloff, DO
    Cascade AIDS Project
    Portland, OR

  • 2.  RE: Monkeypox vaccination

    Posted 07-27-2022 16:11
    Yes, we are. The vaccine is live, but non-replicative, no risk for transmission or dissemination. CDC has recognized HIV with CD4 < 350 or virally unsuppressed as high risk for severe Monkeypox, so we promoting it in this population.

    Joseph McGowan
    North Shore University Hospital
    New York NY

  • 3.  RE: Monkeypox vaccination

    Posted 07-28-2022 17:21
    Package insert for JYNNEOS includes a study of PLWH, treated on ARVs, with CD4 as low as 200 - no issues.

    Peter Shalit, MD, PhD, FACP, AAHIVS 
    Cabrini Tower, 901 Boren Ave Suite 850, Seattle, WA 98104 
    P 206-624-0688 F 206-624-2432  

  • 4.  RE: Monkeypox vaccination

    Posted 07-29-2022 12:45

    There are a few monkey pox vaccines and while on is non-replicative there is also a replicative version.

    We should be careful in making statements about "the vaccine" since there are mutiple options.


    Warm Regards,

    Tom McQuaid


  • 5.  RE: Monkeypox vaccination

    Posted 07-29-2022 15:19
    I believe the replicative one (ACAM2000) is officially only approved for smallpox. It should theoretically work for monkeypox but it has many side effects and potential toxicities, and is contraindicated for people living with HIV.  As far as I know JYNNEOS is the only vaccine with an FDA indication for monkeypox. And, there is no HIV contraindication - it actually has data on safety in PLWH in the labeling. (Spoiler: tested in 351 PLWH with CD4 between 200-750, no issues compared to people without HIV.)

    Peter Shalit, MD, PhD, FACP, AAHIVS 
    Cabrini Tower, 901 Boren Ave Suite 850, Seattle, WA 98104 
    P 206-624-0688 F 206-624-2432