Unfortunately, the only option we have found is having people purchase generic Truvada with a GoodRx discount card. We overcome other costs by having people get labs at designated public health sites (Iowa HHS offers lab monitoring for no cost to the person), and our pharmacist-managed PrEP clinic does not charge for visits.
Heidi Wood, pharmacist
Iowa TelePrEP
Heidi Wood
North Liberty IA
Original Message:
Sent: 10-05-2023 15:09
From: Jonathan Pincus
Subject: PrEP for someone on parents insurance - getting around EOBs
Not sure about other states but in MA we have something call the PATCH Act (= Protecting Access To
Confidential Healthcare) which allows patient to call insurers and not have EOBs sent to the policy holder. Other options like using programs for meds or even paying out of pocket using goodRx for generic meds is an option but only solves the medication issue but does not address visit and lab charges. It's a tough problem and even though we have a program like this in MA it's actually very cumbersome to try to operationalize it.
Jonathan Pincus
Codman Square Health Center
Milton MA
Original Message:
Sent: 10-04-2023 17:47
From: Angela Kapalko
Subject: PrEP for someone on parents insurance - getting around EOBs
Hey everyone hoping you can help us out. I am actually a mentor for for the mentorship program and my mentee of course asked me something I DONT KNOW! For folks who are on their parents insurance, do insurance EOBs show information about medications/visits/labs and if so how does one get around it? We are in Pennsylvania which might change the answer. Are there any handouts on this for providers when learning about PrEP? THANKS!
Angela Kapalko
Physician Assistant Chairperson for AAHIVM
Philadelphia FIGHT CommunityHealth Centers
Philadelphia PA