I do prefer Dolutegravir plus Doravirine to that of Doluitegravir/Rilpivirine (Juluca) for obvious reason, especially when patients have to have PPI and H2 blocker for GI issues. In addition, from pharmacokinetic point of view, Doravirine half-left ~ 15 hours, Dolutegravir galf-life ~ 14 hours and Rilpivirine half-life ~ 45 hours,
Similar half-life of Doravirine and Dolutegravir may reduce the risk of developing drug resistance HIV. Juluca in patients with potential risk of non-adherences may promote risk of Rilpivirine resistance; then, potentially make Dolutegravir be a single drug therapy for HIV. I have been using DTG + DOR in patient with moderate to severe kidney disease, including hemodialysis and transplanted patients due to the minimal drug-drug interaction and bioavailability without interference by PPIs or H2 blockers. Still need to be used as stable switch, no potential drug resistance to both agents before the switch. Only patient's complaint has been the large pill size of Doravirine.
Make sure that patient is immunized for Hep B and is not a HepB carrier.
Chiu-Bin Hsiao, MD, FIDSA, AAHIVS
Allegheny General Hospital - Positive Health Clinic
Pittsburgh PA
Original Message:
Sent: 06-06-2024 11:32
From: Megan Campbell
Subject: Tivicay & Pifeltro - Any experience?
Hi, Do you have experience using Tivicay and Pifeltro as a regimen? We could also add in Prezcobix, however want to simplify if possible.
Megan Campbell
Altoona IA