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Introduce Yourself

  • 1.  Introduce Yourself

    Posted 02-26-2020 13:36
    Welcome to Academy Communities!

    One of my favorite things about my job is getting the opportunity to meet and work with HIV practitioners!  Being connected to the community that I serve is so important and I always come away learning something from these interactions.  Until now, I only got the opportunity to talk to you at conferences or if you happened to call me to talk about credentialing.

    It's this kind of interaction that we hope Academy Communities will foster and grow, not really between you and me (although I do look forward to meeting you!), but from practitioner to practitioner.  Any good conversation starts off with an introduction, so please use this thread to tell us your name, provider type (physician, pharmacist, NP, PA, etc), how long you've been caring for HIV patients, and something fun about yourself.

    I'll start:

    My name is Dan Ebeling.  I am the Director of Credentialing at the Academy, but I'm not a medical provider.  I've been with the Academy since June 2016 and previously worked managing a certification program for sign language interpreters.  I earned my bachelors degree in Music Education from Hope College in Holland, MI and, while I don't teach, I sing professionally around the DC area.  My main gig is at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.  Here's a recording of the Sopranos and Altos of the Shrine choir:  Choir of the Basilica: Regina Coeli 

    I'm looking forward to meeting you!

    Dan Ebeling (he/him)
    Academy Communities Admin
    Director of Credentialing
    (202) 659-0699

  • 2.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 02-27-2020 11:29

    Thank you for the invitation Dan!

    I am Andrew Jameson. I am an Infectious Diseases specialist and an HIV provider in Grand Rapids, MI. I work in a grant funded, hospital sponsored clinic through Mercy Health Saint Mary's hospital. I am active at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine working at both the undergraduate and graduate medical education levels. I am currently the HIV Clinic Site Director for the Spectrum Health-MSU ID fellowship here in Grand Rapids.

    I have been trained in Michigan with medical school at Wayne State, residency at Michigan State, and fellowship at the University of Michigan. I have been taking care of HIV patients since 2012 and in my current position since 2014. I am married with 4 kids and love the outdoors!

    Glad to get connected!

    Andrew Jameson, MD, FACP, AAHIVS
    Grand Rapids MI

  • 3.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 02-27-2020 12:43
    Hi Dan!

    My name is Milena Murray. I am an Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Midwestern University where I teach Clinical Pharmacokinetics to pharmacy students. My clinic is at the Northwestern ID Center in downtown Chicago, IL. I have been a member of the academy since 2012 when I noticed "AAHIVP" on a friend's signature and said, "What's that?" The rest is history! I went to pharmacy school on the east coast and then moved to NYC for residency and Chicago for my ID fellowship. I fell in love with the Midwest and have made a home here. A fun fact about me is that I love to bake castle shaped cakes (with the help of bundt pans), chai is my favorite flavor but I will also use matcha. I also sing! Maybe that's an idea for our next board meeting...we can sing our reports, but I'll let you bring it up to Bruce for approval.

    I am looking forward to getting to know our members from across the nation and the wonderful idea sharing that will occur. This platform will help us to take better care of our patients and propel the academy forward.

    Milena Murray
    Midwestern University
    Downers Grove IL

  • 4.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 02-28-2020 09:37
    Hi Dan,

    My name is Amanda Binkley and I am currently an ID pharmacy specialist in Philadelphia, PA.  I am involved in both inpatient ID consult team/antimicrobial stewardship as well as the outpatient ID clinic for HIV/HCV care.  Over the past few years I have gotten more involved in organizations and recently joined the PA steering committee in January of this year. 

    I am looking forward to getting to know other providers and pharmacy specialists across the country.  This platform is a wonderful opportunity to expand our network and collaborate on ways to improve care for our patients. 

    Amanda ​

    Amanda Binkley
    Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
    North Wales PA

  • 5.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 02-28-2020 09:36

    Hello! My name is Ogechika "Oge" Alozie (MD MPH FACP AAHIVS). I'm originally from Nigeria but did an ID fellowship @ the University of Minnesota after residency @ Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC) in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

    I presently live, play and more importantly for this forum WORK in El Paso Texas where I am the CEO of Southwest Viral Med (SWVM) a non-profit organization in El Paso. Founded in 2015 my team has been responsible for the care of over 1000 clients living with HIV. We have a new NP and a clinical PharmD who are amazing and along with the rest of the team do some really superb, top-ranked in Texas, HIV work. #humblebrag #proud #elpasostrong

    I believe that "patient care is the most important part of medicine. Technology is not a replacement for patient care, but rather a way to enhance and catalyze the care our patients deserve"

    I'm sure there is more I could say, but I look forward to the community engagement and this is really cool!


    Ogechika Alozie
    El Paso TX

  • 6.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-07-2020 09:18
    So happy to be a part of these conversations!

    My name is Michelle Collins-Ogle, I'm a Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist. I provide comprehensive HIV care for adolescents and young adults with HIV in the Bronx, NY @ Montefiore Hospital. Prior to moving to NY, I was the PI and Medical Director of a Ryan White C clinic in rural North Carolina for 20 years. I moved to the Bronx to expand HIV care for LGBTQ Youth and those at high risk for HIV. I also provide comprehensive for transgender youth living HIV and those at risk as well. 

    I am a member of the board of directors for the Academy and it's been the best experience to work with such dedicated people. I've been a member of the Academy since 2014 and have enjoyed working with amazing, dedicated staff under the leadership of Bruce Packett. 

    I'm from the great state of Michigan and a Wolverine Alumnus...Go Blue! I received my MD from Wayne State School of Medicine in Detroit. I love to read! Mystery novels and Political Thrillers are my favorites. I'm married (26 yrs) and have 3 adult children.  ​I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.

    Michelle Ogle
    Bronx NY

  • 7.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-17-2020 08:58

    I am Tsitsi Monera-Penduka. I am an HIV Pharmacist from Zimbabwe. I work in a teaching hospital HIV outpatient clinic where I help manage a cohort of over 5000 patients. I am also involved in clinical training, HIV pharmacotherapy and quality improvement. HIV Practice in Zimbabwe is somewhat different from the US, but I have learnt volumes from being a member of AAHIM that have improve my contribution to the care of patients in my clinic. I hope to learn enough to be credentialed this year, so I can successfully advance and formalise Pharmacy practice in Zimbabwe to include HIV Clinical/Advanced/Specialist Pharmacy.   

    Tsitsi Monera-Penduka
    Parirenyatwa Centre of Excellence for HIV prevention, treatment and care

    Tsitsi Penduka

  • 8.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-17-2020 09:06
    I am Godwin Asare a nurse and an HIV care provider in Atua Government Hospital one of the HIV populated places in Eastern part of Ghana. I have been in this unit for the past 3 years and counting and I must say I love what I do. Personally I attend to averagely 35 patients a day and averagely 2 new cases a day. This is huge and puts a lot of pressure on our scared resources and staff strength. The need to do more for my patients has motivated to personally financed my masters education in HIV/AIDS Management in the University of Ghana. I love my clients and always like to see them strong and happy. One thing I'm so passionate about is seeing HIV positive children. Children who through no fault of theirs become infected and they have to live with this condition through their whole life. Poverty is also one thing that such people deal with in this part of the world, it is sad but that is the reality. I'm currently seeing an increase in the viral suppression rate among my clients and that gives me hope.

    Godwin Ofori Asare
    koforidua, atua

  • 9.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-18-2020 08:57

    I'm Zach Backlin.  I am a Family Nurse Practitioner, though a little new to the role, having graduated in May of 2019 from Arizona State University.  I have been working the past 6 months in residential substance use treatment facilities in the Phoenix area, before recently having moved back home to Illinois to be closer to family.  My interest in HIV treatment started when I worked on my doctoral EBP project linking people with a Substance use disorder to testing and treatment for Hepatitis C, and I discovered I had definite interest in working with the HIV population as well.  I completed a post-graduate preceptorship through the AETC in my area, and have started treating patients with their guidance.  I have started investigating the use of Telemedicine in HIV care and am hoping to develop a practice with that model in the future.  

    Looking forward to using this community to develop connections and improve as a provider as well!

    Zachary Backlin
    Glendale AZ

  • 10.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-18-2020 16:53
    Hi Dan and fellow academy members,

    My name is Elizabeth Girón, and I am a newly minted PA-C, about to ensue my career in the emergency department at NYP Brooklyn Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn, NY. I have been passionate about HIV medicine and infectious diseases for the longest, which led me to acquire my first MS degree in microbiology. This passion continued growing and I completed an HIV specialized track/residency during my PA program at SUNY Downstate Medical Center. After completing my primary care clerkship in an HIV primary care clinic, my passion escalated and I knew I wanted to continue providing care in the future; hence my decision to become an HIV specialist. Especially living in NYC, I know that I'll constantly be utilizing my HIV knowledge and HIV prevention strategies in the ER. My grand plan includes working PT in HIVM once I gain my bearings in the ED.
    I look forward in connecting with fellow providers/clinicians, hearing from everyone and learning from your years of experience!!   

    Elizabeth Giron
    Brooklyn NY

  • 11.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-19-2020 11:16
    Hello all. I am Barbara Black, APRN. I have been an RN for over 20 years and a licensed FNP for nearly 3. I work in an FQHC that is Ryan White funded. I recently passed the HIV Specialist exam.
    Looking forward to the ACTHIV conference in Chicago....if it isn't canceled that is. :-(

    Barbara Black
    Corpus Christi TX

  • 12.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-20-2020 10:10
    Hi Dan and all,

    I am a newer physician (graduated from residency 1.5 years ago), and am working at a local FQHC with a Ryan White funded HIV program. I am in the process of reviewing the AAHIVM curriculum to try and become an HIV Specialist --- In addition to the other hats I wear: Family medicine PCP, Addiction Specialist (hoping to sit for my Addiction boards this year as well) and mental health specialist (I was a mental health counselor prior to going to medical school, so I am comfortable working with mentally ill patients and prescribing psychopharmacologic medications). 

    I am dual boarded in allopathic and osteopathic family medicine (passed my boards last year). I work in Erie, PA. I went to LECOM and did my residency training in Meadville, PA.

    Prior to medical school, in addition to working as a mental health counselor and intake coordinator for in-patient psych units, I was also a paramedic.
    My undergraduate degree is a BS in Behavioral Neuroscience from UMASS: Boston.
    I also obtained a Master's Degree in pharmacology from Tulane Universtity.

    I am married with 1 daughter (5 going on 45...)

    Sean Leonard
    Meadville PA

  • 13.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-13-2020 14:45
    Hi all... I'm working towards getting HIV Specialist certified, doing the 45 hours of con-ed. I paid my dues to be a member of AAHIVM. I'm trying to find out how to get into the mentoring program. I searched this forum and also the website and am getting search results that when I click on them I get access is restricted or I am not authorized etc.

    Sean Leonard
    Meadville PA

  • 14.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-14-2020 09:52
    Hi Sean!  Welcome to Academy Communities!

    This year we've been working to revamp our mentoring program and aren't taking enrollments for mentees at the moment.  But that should be changed in the very near future.  In the meantime, keep working on those HIV-related CE credits for your eligibility and, if you're ready, go ahead and register for the credentialing exam.  You will be able to complete the registration without being actively involved in the mentoring program.

    Thanks for your patience while we put the finishing touches on the program.  Feel free to e-mail me at if you have any other questions about credentialing or mentoring.

    Dan Ebeling (he/him)
    Academy Communities Admin
    Director of Credentialing
    (202) 659-0699

  • 15.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-26-2020 10:11
    Hey hey all!! First day in 3 weeks I have a chance to BREATHE so I decided to spend that time jumping on the community exchange and saying hi! 

    My name is Angela, I am one of the clinicians at Philadelphia FIGHT Community Health Centers (an FQHC in Philadelphia) , specifically at the Jonathan Lax Treatment Center, a clinic that does primary care for people living with HIV. I have been at FIGHT since I completed my PA training in 2007 and I couldnt imagine working in any other field. Additionally, I am the education coordinator for all APP students within our FQHC and have a student with me full time. I also LOVE to teach, and that has gone around to numerous medical programs. As of now, I guest lecture at 7 different schools/programs! 

    My PASSION is teaching the next generation of HIV providers, specifically Physician Assistants and allowing them to see and learn at a clinic that provides state of the art care, a team-based model, and a place that does not practice "medicine as a business". While I do not have offspring of my own, I think of my students as my "kids" and I love "birthing them" into the world of medicine and continue to keep a relationship with all of them after they leave the nest! I am proud to say I have birthed numerous PAs and NPs into HIV medicine! 

    Last but not least, I am the Physician Assistant Committee Chair for the Academy as well as on the Academy board and am loving every minute of it! If you are a PA reading this, SAY HEY on our PA specific post!

    Angela Kapalko
    Physician Assistant Chairperson for AAHIVM
    Philadelphia FIGHT CommunityHealth Centers
    Philadelphia PA

  • 16.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-27-2020 12:21
    Hello Community, 

    I am finishing up my last year of infectious diseases fellowship at UCSD.  I am board certified in internal medicine and infectious diseases and recently passed my AAHIVM specialist exam.  I hope to incorporate HIV primary care in my future career and am currently job searching in San Diego/ Southern California. 

    My main hobby walking and jogging with my energetic Australian shepherd Roxy, but I also enjoy dancing samba and salsa.

    Katherine Promer
    San Diego CA

  • 17.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-09-2020 11:34
    Edited by David Cupit 04-09-2020 11:34
    Hi everyone! My name is David "Greg" Cupit. I am proudly working for an FQHC in Houston Tx, Legacy Community Health. We are the largest FQHC in Texas and are RW funded. I am so proud to work in the Adult Health area of care where I am the "STD guy" lol. I currently see all walk-in patients for STD/PEP/rapid start PrEP as well as seeing sick patients when they are unable to get connected with their PCP. We  (Legacy) have a 90 mile foot print taking care of people from all over the Houston metro region. Ive been a nurse since 2003 and FNP since 2016. ​I'm so excited to study and take the HIV specialist exam this fall. Greetings to everyone!

    David Cupit MSN, RN, APN, FNP-BC
    Houston TX

  • 18.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-10-2020 10:31
    Hi all, it has been great to read about all of you!  
    I am an internal medicine physician-educator in Austin, Texas.  I am passionate about HIV primary care and gender-affirming care.  I currently work at CommUnityCare, a large FQHC in central Texas, where I practice a mix of general internal medicine, HIV primary care, PrEP, and gender-affirming care.  I also co-direct the primary care clerkship for medical students at the fairly new UT Austin Dell Medical School.  I am hoping to stand-up a gender-affirming care clinic at UT Austin soon.  

    I am trying to roll-out a formalized PrEP program at my FQHC but it's been logistically difficult to push back against the idea that it's not in primary care's wheelhouse, and to streamline the payment process.  If anyone has tips or wants to collaborate, please message me!

    Nice to meet all of you!

    Aliza Norwood
    University of California, San Francisco
    Austin TX

  • 19.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-12-2020 08:34
    Hi, Nice to interact with you all 

    I'm an HIV Case Manager where one of my primary goals are intensifying linkage to care among PLHIV and tracing drop-out patients. I also work closely in the community where I provide HIV awareness among vulnerable groups. Sadly due to lack of resources here most are unaware of PreP and its importance majority of people providing care are still reluctant in introducing PreP as another option i HIV prevention. I hope that I can learn more in this community related to innovative strategies in providing care not only to PLHIV, their families and the vulnerable groups.

    Manila Social Hygiene Clinic 
    Manila, Philippines

    John Axl Torres
    Manila, Philippines

  • 20.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-13-2020 20:17
    Edited by Andrew Doan 04-13-2020 20:17
    Hello everyone and Happy Monday!

    My name is Andrew Doan, but you can call me Andy. I live just a little north of Austin, TX and finished pharmacy school back in 2019...time flies! I currently work as a community pharmacist in both corporate and independent settings within Central Texas. Surprised to see how many of you are neighbors!

    During my time in pharmacy school, I helped establish The Kind Clinic (previously Austin PrEP Access Project) as a premier HIV, sexual health, and gender care services practice. One of the most rewarding parts of my career has been breaking down barriers to access and providing patient education opportunities when PrEP was first becoming available. I've loved every moment working in this field and hope to continue doing so to the most of my clinical capacity. I hope to stay engaged within this growing practice and also strive to precept or teach students at some point. I currently mentor current pharmacy students, serve at a nonprofit healthcare clinic as a volunteer pharmacist, and have been trying to get into rock climbing during my spare time. I've completed my CE for the AAHIVP exam and plan to take it in the fall.

    Nice to meet all of you and hope to get connected! Stay safe out there during these challenging times.

    Andrew Doan, PharmD
    Austin TX

  • 21.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-15-2020 12:41
    Dan thanks for the invitation and opportunity to join the community.  I currently work for Diamond Pharmacy Services (22 years now), the largest correctional pharmacy in the country.  I'm currently responsible for oversight of 14 Correctional Consultant Pharmacists, clinical review services as well special project oversight. Clinical review services include formulary development and ongoing review, drug utilization-disease state management review, and evidence-based medicine review applied to facility drug usage and cost-containment while being a member of several P&T committees.  I oversee HIV and Hepatitis C education for staff pharmacists, our client's providers and nurses, assuring that patients are placed on appropriate regimens and protocols. I also manage ongoing projects including our 340B program, maintaining oversight of program arrangements as well as company compliance with 340B guidelines. I also oversee the Drug Information Center which includes 5 clinical pharmacists who provide ongoing clinical education, support and initiatives including a virtual distance clinical pharmacy program for providers and nurse healthcare teams.  I love to go for hikes and walks with my two golden retrievers, bike riding and love listening to a wide range of music.

    Matthew Risko
    Diamond Pharmacy Services
    Jonestown PA

  • 22.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-16-2020 09:09

    Tagbo Ekwonu, MD AAHIVS. I am a Family Physician and HIV specialist providing a one-stop-shop for my HIV patients. Services include:
    • Primary care
    • HIV management 
    • Hepatitis C treatment. 
    • PrEP
    • Opioid addiction treatment with Suboxone.
    I practice in Charlotte, North Carolina. 

    Tagbo Ekwonu
    Eastowne Family Physicians,PA
    Matthews NC

  • 23.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-20-2020 23:53
      |   view attached
    Greetings Everyone,

    My name is Lucy Ogechi Efobi. I am a Nurse practitioner with a doctoral degree in family and emergency care from Rutgers University, Newark NJ. I joined an HIV clinic early this year as my first NP job and that makes me a "Newbie" in this game of HIV care and treatment :). It was quite interesting reading comments, recommendations and suggestions from experts in this community and I am glad that I am part of this noble community.

    As a new NP working with approximately 120 HIV patients with a collaborating physician, treating both HIV, STI, Hepatitis and PrEP, it was quite a challenge keeping up with treatment guidelines but one thing that kept me going was the love I have, treating and caring for this population. More so, readings from The HIV national curriculum was a big PLUS in understanding HIV treatment and care. 

    A big kudos to this noble community again, with your help, I am working towards my certification and any suggestions on this will be greatly appreciated. Secondly, I had developed protocols to work with during this remote pandemic period. Attached is my PrEP protocol which is under review by the Clinic Medical Director. You are welcome to send in your comments and recommendations. Also, I plan to develop one on STI, all thanks to this community.

    Finally, I am married with 4 lovely kids, a boy and 3 three ladies! Love to travel but one thing I am sure of is that "I LOVE MY JOB" and I love what I do!

    Lucy Oge Efobi, DNP, APN, FNP-BC, BSc.ed
    Hyacinth HIV/AIDS Foundation
    Newark, NJ

    lucy efobi
    Linden NJ

  • 24.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 05-12-2021 18:02
    thank you for sharing!

    Robin Peace
    Lumberton NC

  • 25.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-26-2020 17:13
    My name is Gary Newman and I was recently certified as an HIV Pharmacist in October, 2019. I currently work as an HIV specialist pharmacist at Accredo Specialty Pharmacy in Florence NJ. I am involved in Drug Utilization Review assesing for drug interactions, duplication of therapy, dosing , and completeness of HIV therapy based on current guidelines.  Other areas are the review and dispensing of Trogarzo and Egrifta therapies ,copay assistance, and drug utilzation review of non HIV medications for our HIV patients. I am licensed in NJ, PA, DE, MD, and VA.   I also do long term care consulting part time and have the BCGP certification. Being part of the American Academy of HIV Medicine has been extremely educational being an HIV specialist newbie. I look forward in the future to interacting with my colleagues in the AAHIVM community.

    Gary Newman
    Burlington NJ

  • 26.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 12-11-2020 12:33

    I am Akoaya Ekukanju and I am a Pharmacist with interest in community healthcare. I am a resident of Arlington, Texas but am originally from Cameroon. Like I said, I am particularly interested in community healthcare, medication management and lifestyle changes in economically disadvantaged areas. I love soccer, weight lifting and hospital movies like The Good Doctor etc. I also love mafia documentaries and movies.

    Looking forward to interact with this community and benefit from the educational opportunities.

    Akoaya Ekukanju

    Akoaya Ekukanju
    Arlington TX

  • 27.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 12-12-2020 22:26
    Hi all, 

        I am John Axl Torres, a case manager in an HIV primary Health facility/ Social Hygiene Clinic here in Manila, Philippines. My work primarily focuses on managing psychosocial and paramedical aspects of PLHIV. I am also in line with TB. STI, Viral Hepatitis B and HIV treatment Failure. right now i am pursuing my master in public health my research focuses on on adherence to antiretroviral therapy and treatment fatigue. 

        glad to be in this community. hope we would have a webinar soon 

        thank you. 

    John Axl Torres
    HIV Case Manager 
    Manila Social Hygiene Clinic 

  • 28.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 02-24-2021 21:14
    Thank you so much Dan for welcoming me to community AAHIV. My name is Stella Ngetich, FNP for 2.5 yrs doing primary care until seven months when I started seeing HIV/Hep C/TG population. I know, a big learning curve!! I am very passionate in HIV care. Although I am new in HIV care, I am excited to be part of this community. I am enrolled in mentoring program as a mentee and I am lucky to have Rachel as my mentor. Very knowledgeable and supportive. I currently work for FQHC clinic and working towards HIV certification. I attended ACTHIV last yr for 1st time and since then I have been driven towards care for HIV population

    Stella Ngetich
    Lees Summit MO

  • 29.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-05-2021 20:02
    Hi Dan !

    My name is Christine "Chris" Lightfoot. Stella #27 and I worked together in Kansas City. I was a critical care nurse/educator for 15 years and have been an NP for 17 years here in Kansas and Missouri. I have been practicing in safety-net clinics for about 7 years and love the care we can provide our patients. We serve a big HIV and Hepatitis patient population and I'm excited about expanding my knowledge and having the support of the mentoring program and Rachel. Certification here we come!!

    I'm now an empty-nester, mother of three fantastic adult boys. During my time off I enjoy ​anything outdoors from gardening to hiking, camping, skiing ... I also volunteer doing genealogy research for our local historical cemetery and family and friends. 

    Thanks for inviting me to be a part of your community !

    Chris Lightfoot, CCRN, MSN, APRN-BC
    Nurse Practitioner, Family Health Care
    Kansas City, KS

    Christine Lightfoot
    Olathe KS

  • 30.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-31-2021 23:51
    Hello Dan and community members!

    Thanks for the invitation.

    My name is Emmanuel Dingsangha. I am a Pharmacist in South Fulton Georgia and manage a growing number of HIV patients.

    I am happy to be part of this community and looking forward to future engagements and connections with different clinicians for better patient care

    Glad to be here!

    Emmanuel Dingsangha
    Lawrenceville GA

  • 31.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-14-2021 17:48
    Good afternoon! My name is Arjay Mendoza. I am a U.S. Army Veteran, who is currently finishing my clinical rotations at the University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora, CO. I was the Clinical Supervisor of the Hospital Dental Clinic, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center (DDEAMC) and now, I work part-time as an Adjunct Faculty at the American University of Health Sciences (AUHS), where I teach Nursing Informatics to Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) students. I have a Bachelor's degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of the Philippines Manila and a Master's degree in Health Sciences (with concentration in Public Health) from Trident University International in Cypress, CA. Currently, I am finishing my Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree at the University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, CO. In my free time, I to play tennis, as well as travel internationally and volunteer to the telehealth services from my alma mater in the Philippines.

    Arjay Mendoza
    Augusta GA

  • 32.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-15-2021 12:14
    Hi Dan.

    I recently sent a request for a new password. Please disregard the request. I am able to log into my account. Thank you in advance!

    Henry Bryant
    Pembroke Pines FL

  • 33.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-17-2021 13:01

    My name is Elizabeth Horvath and I am a PA-C practicing in Houston, TX! I recently received by AAHIVS credentialing and have started working in Infectious Disease for a Ryan White funded FHQC in Houston. Looking forward to learning from you all and helping patients! I received by PA degree at SUNY Downstate, Brooklyn, and worked in Primary Care medicine for 1.5 years in Manhattan

    I lived in New York City for over 14 years, but I've returned home to Houston and enjoy the heat, BBQ, Tex-Mex, and getting to spend so much time with my family and my fiancée's family.

    Elizabeth Horvath
    Houston TX

  • 34.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-27-2021 16:17

    Hello again fellow downstate alum and prior Park Slopian, nice seeing you here, I'm so excited you joined the ranks, welcome aboard!!!!!

    Liz Girón

    Elizabeth Girón
    Brooklyn NY

  • 35.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-29-2021 08:17

  • 36.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-29-2021 10:19
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Manny Guajardo. I am on the cusp of graduating from my clinical ID fellowship at Baylor COM in Houston. In the summer, I will stay on as a health services research fellow focusing on HIV and vulnerable populations and seeing people with HIV in my clinic.

    I'm from Texas originally, went to med school at UT Medical Branch in Galveston, TX, then IM residency at Tulane in New Orleans before coming to Baylor in 2019.

    Happy to be here!

    Emmanuel Guajardo
    Houston TX

  • 37.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-30-2021 19:06
    Hello Dan,
    My name is Henry DeLu Jr. and I am a pharmacist in California with specialties in Oncology (BCOP) and Ambulatory Care (BCACP). I am now working on my HIV certification due to a growing number of patients in Southern California living with HIV, Hepatitis C, and patients taking steps to prevent HIV by taking PREP. I have been in practice since 2013 and completed my pharmacy training at the University of Southern California School of Pharmacy.

    Henry DeLu Jr., PharmD, MBA, MSc, APh, BCACP, BCOP
    Pharmacy Manager Outpatient Clinic
    JWCH Clinic

    Henry Delu
    Los Angeles CA

  • 38.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 05-18-2021 09:29
    Hi everyone, I'm James Adams, and I am a family medicine and hiv care physician and I work at Kaiser Permanente Palm Springs.  I went to medical school at the University of North Carolina, did my internship at Santa Monica-UCLA, residency at USC-California Hospital, HIV Fellowship at UCSD, and worked in the county jails of San Diego for a number of years before venturing out to practice in the communities of Los Angeles, Santa Fe, and now Coachella Valley.  

    I love playing tennis, hanging out with my long-time partner, Rence, and Maltipoo, Scully, and we watch Netflix, Prime, and Apple TV together.  I am a fan of electronic dance music, and I have dj'ed at several clubs and events in Los Angeles and San Diego.  We have finally landed in the desert in California, and we are loving it here.  It's nice to get acquainted with everyone.

    James Adams
    Rancho Mirage CA

  • 39.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 05-18-2021 19:05

    I have a question for folks - there is contraindication with wellburtin for smoking cessation and biktarvy - has anyone used the two together though?

    Thanks - Sara

    Sara Back
    North Central Bronx Hospital
    New York NY

  • 40.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 05-19-2021 08:27
    Hi Sara!

    What’s the reference for the Wellbutrin and Biktarvy interaction? I can’t seem to find it readily.


    Sent from my iPhone

  • 41.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 05-20-2021 05:58
    thanks for responding - I looked it up on epocrates - that was my source.  Thanks!

    Sara Back
    North Central Bronx Hospital
    New York NY

  • 42.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 05-21-2021 06:22
    Hi, Sara!  The interaction is not to do with the actual Wellbutrin, but rather the cessation of smoking. It's my understanding that nicotine alters P450 enzymes, such that when people stop smoking, their plasma levels of some ARVs increase.

    Leila Hagshenas
    Medical Director
    The Family Health Center of Harlem
    New York NY

  • 43.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 05-21-2021 19:04
    Hi Dr. H:  So nice to hear from you!!  Hope you and Harlem are well!   I miss you all!
    Interesting what you said re: it is the smoking cessation that increases some ARVs.   Thank you for your insightful comment.
    Be well - Sara

    Sara Back
    North Central Bronx Hospital
    New York NY

  • 44.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 07-16-2021 09:34
    Hi Dan, 

    I'm a clinical pharmacist at an FQHC in Chicago. I've been a credentialed AAHIVP since 2013 (initially under my maiden name - Nill) and just recently became an academy member for the first time. I grew up in Michigan and graduated from Ferris State University College of Pharmacy. I'm passionate about providing care to underserved communities and marginalized populations. I'm grateful that an experienced HIV physician (Dr. Jan Huber) introduced me to the Midwest AIDS Training & Education Center (MATEC) early in my career and took me under her wing. Caring for PLWH is one of the most rewarding and enjoyable roles I have as a clinical pharmacist. I also value the camaraderie with other members of our HIV interdisciplinary team. 

    I am married with 2 toddlers (please excuse this intro being a few months late). I'm hoping to connect with other AAHIVPs in this community. I was surprised when I recognized the name of the first person who responded to your introduction - our time in Big Rapids, MI overlapped and I had no idea he was an HIV provider (Hi Andrew Jameson)!

    Marissa Kuok
    Lawndale Christian Health Center
    Chicago IL

  • 45.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 07-20-2021 12:10

    Wonderful to meet you Marissa!  Any exciting project you all are working on in Chicago?  We're currently looking into MAT for SUD as a pharmacist run service and expanding pharmacist/nursing run PrEP, and always eager to learn how others are operating!


    Dan Scales, Pharm D, AAHIVP

    Director of Pharmacy Collaborative Care

    Pronouns: He/Him

    5250 Leetsdale Dr #300 Denver CO 80246

    Cell: 720-388-9339

    Office: 303-802-5317




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    If you do not respect the privacy and confidentiality of this e-mail, it may result in legal activity, professional discipline, and/or other types of appropriate action. Thank you.

    Secured by Paubox - HITRUST CSF certified

  • 46.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 07-20-2021 12:10
    Hi Dan!
    Thank you for the invite! We have spoken a couple of times and I appreciate all you do for this community of professionals. 
    My name Frank Zamora. I was the co-chair of the Antimicrobial Stewardship Committee at my previous hospital (Broward Health Medical Center). I obtained my AAHIVP certification while practicing at Yale New-Haven Hospital in CT. I recently transition to a new role at Baptist Health System South Florida as the new system Clinical Coordinator for Drug Information. 
    I attended pharmacy school at University of Maryland ES and. proceeded to my post graduate residency PGY-1 and PGY-2 in Pharmacotherapy with a focus in ID and HIV. 
    For fun, I am an avid runner and whenever I get a chance, I scuba dive. 
    I am looking forward to get to know our members through this platform. This is a great idea and undoubtedly will yield better care for our patients. 
    Look forward to the group discussions and conversations. 

    Francis J Zamora PharmD, AAHIVP
    Clinical Coordinator, Drug Information
    Baptist Health South Florida

    Francis Zamora
    Wilton Manors FL

  • 47.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 08-16-2021 09:59

    Hola community and colleagues!
    I am Ernesto J. Lamadrid. I'm a family medicine physician and HIS Specialist practicing in Gainesville, FL. I currently have my private practice and do consulting at 2 health departments, caring for 600 PLEHIV. I've been in HIV care since 1995 in correctional setting, public and private settings.  

    I'm very glad to join the community where I cam brainstorm with experts around the country. 

    Ernesto Lamadrid
    Primary Care of Gainesville LLC
    Gainesville FL

  • 48.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 08-31-2021 21:15

    My name is Ryan Smith. I graduated Family Medicine residency from William Beaumont Hospital in Troy, MI in June 2020, after which I worked urgent care for one year while my partner finished Emergency Medicine residency. At the beginning of August 2021, I began a full time outpatient Family Medicine position in downtown Grand Rapids for Spectrum Health. During my clinical years of medical school, I had exposure to a family medicine physician who incorporated HIV medicine into his practice, which ultimately inspired me to pursue the same. During residency, I had the opportunity to moonlight at that same family medicine clinic that specialized in HIV medicine, which allowed me to pursue and complete the process to earn the AAHIVS credential. I am excited to be working in Grand Rapids and hope to build a panel of HIV patients into my practice in the future. I look forward to the opportunity to get to know some of you other HIV providers and equally look forward to learning from your experience. 


    Ryan K. Smith, DO

  • 49.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 08-31-2021 21:43
    Good morning Everyone 

    I am John Axl Torres. I graduated some years ago earning my Bachelor's degree in Biology and currently finishing my post graduate in public health. I am a Case Manager in Manila, Philippines. Under the health department social hygiene clinic and primary HIV Facility where our primary funding agent is the The Global Fund Grant and USAID. I am handling some 1200 patient both from various Key affected populations, right now i am the PreP provider for our institution where i provide counseling, initiation, screening and monitoring to key affected population who would wish to access free PreP. Our clinics main best practices are community base HIV screening where trained lay-man providers can conduct HIV rapid screening in various communities, on the spot anti tuberculosis initiation for TB/HIV patients, one stop shop initiation of ART, gonorrheal antimicrobial research and holistic case management for people and their families affected with HIV. I am both a lecturer and a Trainor specializing in enhancing primary management of HIV in areas where access to medical care are limited.  During my free time I work out at the gym 

    Thank you everyone and nice meeting you all

    John Axl Torres

  • 50.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 11-12-2021 10:53


    Thank you for the invitation Dan!

    My name is Andrea Szabados and I am very excited to be part of this group! I currently work in retail in Ft Lauderdale, Florida, but my professional goal is to grow as a pharmacist and become a medication expert in the treatment of patients with HIV. I am licensed in two states Florida and Wisconsin. Graduated in 2019 in Wisconsin, and completed a PGY1 Pharmacy Residency at a long-term care pharmacy where I had the opportunity to work in a specialty injection clinic treating patients with schizophrenia, substance abuse, and GI disorders. Previously worked for the AIDS Resource Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where I worked in both their ambulatory care and retail setting. I also worked for Walgreens Specialty pharmacy in Milwaukee where I managed HIV and Hepatitis C patients' medications.

    Currently preparing for the HIV pharmacist certification exam through the AAHIVP mentorship program. I purchased the "Fundamentals of Medicine "textbook CME edition and presently studying from this book.

    1. Can anyone recommend any additional good resources that would help me prepare for the exam?
    2. Any recommendations about recent trials that I should read?

    In my free time I love to bake and spend time outdoors.

    Happy to get connected!

    Andrea Szabados
    Fort Lauderdale FL

  • 51.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 11-12-2021 11:41
    Hello Andrea

    Welcome to the AAHIVM community- For exam preparation, the National HIV Curriculum was very helpful.  You can check up the website

    Nice to meet you!

    Lucy Efobi, AAHIVS

    Lucy Efobi
    Linden NJ

  • 52.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 05-17-2022 10:24
    Greetings all,

    Thank you Dan for extending the invitation. My name is Joe Robinson and I work for THRIVE SS as the Lead Program Coordinator for the Silver Lining Project. This initiative addresses the needs of African American men over 50 living with the virus. I've engaged in various capacities around the HIV world (former Ryan White Planning Council chair/Sacrament EMEA, Board member C.A.R.E.S,  Co-Chairperson NIH Adult Clinical Trials – Community Constituency Group and now this wonderful opportunity to work with individuals with the Academy.

    I'm excited and looking forward to meeting and collaborating thoughts with each and every one.

    Joe Robinson (he/him)
    Lead Project Coordinator
    (678) 557-2217

    Joseph Robinson
    Atlanta GA

  • 53.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 05-20-2022 14:53

    Dan, my names is James Gonzalez MPH LNHA FACHE.  I serve as the President and CEO of Broadway House for Continuing Care, a specialized post acute care and skilled nursing facility that cares for people living with HIV/AIDS and other complex medical illnesses which require comprehensive care and treatment.  We are based in Newark, NJ and affiliated with University Hospital.  Our residents come to us from acute care facilities, other long term care settings, and the community because of our highly skilled nursing, medical, and professional staff who are specifically trained to care for those with HIV.  We focus on the whole individual and have the capabilities of addressing their acute medical conditions as well as drug addiction and behavioral health issues.  I look forward to connecting with my fellow colleagues through this Academy Community.

    James Gonzalez
    Newark NJ

  • 54.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 06-07-2022 18:57
    Hello all! I'm Kim Bates and am newly (8 mos) moved to Las Vegas, NV.
    I'm a former AAHIVM member getting back into the fold--I'm an internal medicine and pediatrics doc who practices primary care medicine, including HIV primary care, and hoping to re-establish my practice in Las Vegas. More specifically, I'm a former RW program medical director of a Part C/D grantee clinic in Columbus, OH and now a current IM residency program director. My passions are incorporation of HIV prevention and screening in primary care (still) particularly in youth and young adults and communities of color and teaching IM residents HIV primary care. 

    I've been taking care of HIV patients since 2006, most actively from 2006-2014 in the Part C/D program and since then in my primary care practice and in residency practices. 

    Hoping to connect with anyone here locally in LV!


    KImberly Bates
    Las Vegas NV

  • 55.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 08-05-2022 06:55
    Edited by Amit Harshana 08-05-2022 06:59
    Thanks Dan for the Invitation. 

    Amit here from India. I am a medical doctor specialized in community and topical medicine. I am working currently with CDC-India through implementation partner I TECH India and looking after HIV treatment services program in India as Director-Clinical programs. I had worked with MSF,USAID and WHO in various capacities. 

    I love travelling and listening to all kind of music. Father of a naughty young kid :)

    Looking forward for learning from others :)


    Amit Harshana

  • 56.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 08-29-2022 19:17
    Hi. Franky here. I am a senior pharmacist at Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. I am interested to learn how to provide best care for HIV patients with mental illness.

    Franky Franky
    North East

  • 57.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 09-15-2022 13:18
    Hi there, everyone! My name is Ari and I'm an FNP currently working in Phoenix, Arizona. I received my Bachelor's in Public Health and MS in Nursing from The Ohio State University. I'm a new provider but was incredibly lucky to be able to participate in care for HIV patients during my clinical rotations at Equitas Health and the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (as well as HIV patients I cared for as an RN). Previously, I worked on the Surgical Intermediate Care Unit at a level 2 trauma center in Columbus. A fun fact about me is that in a past career, I worked in library circulation and cataloging! It really gave me an advantage with documentation, haha.

    Ari Kravitz, FNP-C (he/him/his)

  • 58.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 10-27-2022 18:53
    Hi Dan and Community!

    I'm Angela Williams, a pharmacist living and working in the Phoenix, AZ metro area. My current role is Senior Vice President at AleraCare, an ambulatory infusion center organization serving patients in 8 Western States. I've recently learned about the Academy and am so excited to engage with everyone as we have recently made the decision to extend our scope of services to the HIV community. I have worked in community and managed care pharmacy settings previous to this role. I'm originally from the northwest, graduating from Washington State University-Go Cougs!

    I'm looking forward to learning from all of you in this community!


    Angela Williams
    Chandler AZ

  • 59.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 10-29-2022 09:47
    Good morning all

    I know that I can search for a provider on the official referral tab.  But you all have been so wonderful with other referrals - I thought I would reach out to you.  I have a lovely pt moving to Talahassee Florida - I dont know where exactly but he is looking for a new provider.  He is HIV+ well controlled; HCV+ cured but needs some assistance with his HBV.

    Many thanks!

    Sara Back
    North Central Bronx Hospital
    New York NY

  • 60.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 12-21-2022 10:35
    Hello everyone!
    My name is Ecler Jaqua, I am the Family Medicine Residency associate program director and I am happy to join this amazing group. I will start my mentorship program in January and hopefully will seat for my HIV specialist examination in the summer.
    Happy Holidays!!!

    Ecler Jaqua
    Pomona CA

  • 61.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 12-27-2022 21:12
    Hi! My name is Sean Yaphe. I am a new graduate having just completed residency in Family Medicine at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan in June, 2022. During that time, I completed the HIV Specialist program and am now working in Montreal, QC, Canada at Clinique L'Actuel, which is a general family practice clinic focusing on people living with HIV and the LGBTQ+ community. My other interests include Indigenous Health and women/maternal health. Looking forward to learning from you all! 

    Sean Yaphe, MD, MPH
    Family Medicine Physician
    Clinique L'Actuel 
    Montreal, Canada

    Sean Yaphe
    Clinique L'Actuel
    Montréal QC

  • 62.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 02-08-2023 14:54

    Hello Group,

    I am Brooke I'm an HIV-positive advocate & writer. I was diagnosed with HIV while pregnant in 2010. I majored in journalism out of high school in the late 90s, so naturally, within months of my diagnosis, I was blogging for The and volunteering with The BABES Network in Seattle. I spoke on a panel with BABES on World AIDS Day 2010. I blog for Positive Women's Network.

    I have been featured in Parade Magazine and Glamour. My poetry is in the following HIV poetry anthology books: Sistah'S Speak, Telling Stories of Positive Lives, and Cornbread, Fish, and Collard Greens.

     I am a Recipient of an HIV League Fall 2022 Scholarship to attend UMKC where I blogged for The Women's Center. 

    I am currently engaged with Planned Parenthood of the Great Plains in their Spring 2023 Education & Advocacy Fellowship, an American Academy of HIV Medicine CAG member, and a weekly Zoom facilitator for Pillow Talk w/ Dierdre Speaks.

    It's my goal to eventually mix human services, with public health intertwined by journalism and poetry. 

    Brooke Davidoff

    Brooke Davidoff
    Kansas City MO

  • 63.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 02-13-2023 11:22

    Hello Everyone, 

    I am Marie Claire Pierre-Louis. I have been a Family Nurse Practitioner for 5 years working in different setting Urgent Care and private clinics. A year ago I started to work  at an outpatient clinic with an HIV prevention program where we provide different services our community. I really enjoy caring for my patients and help them through their journey. I became an HIV specialist last year and I am putting my knowledge to use as the Nurse Practitioner Lead at the clinic. 

    Marie Claire Pierre-Louis
    Miramar FL

  • 64.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 02-15-2023 13:52
    Edited by Abedulnaasseer Mohammedelamien 02-15-2023 13:52

    Hello everyone

    My name is Naser (Dr. Mohammedelamien). I am board certified preventive medicine physician and I treat people living with HIV.  I am introducing lifestyle medicine to treat, manage, control, and prevent chronic diseases such as type II DM, HTN, HLP, CAD, Obesity, OSA etc.  Also, I am interested in starting PrEP program and treating pt with HIV. I think this organization is rich in people and resources. I am learning how to treat HIV in outpatient in an academic setting and I am grateful to be here. 

    Abedulnaasseer Mohammedelamien
    Jackson MS

  • 65.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-18-2023 15:57


    My name is Malaika Joseph, a family nurse practitioner at a FQHC in Orlando, Florida. I am passionate to learn more about HIV and hepatitis. Looking forward to learn from all of you as I am new to the infectious disease specialty. 

    Malaika Joseph
    Orlando FL

  • 66.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-20-2023 01:51

    Hello, Great to be a part of this community. I am a family physician working at a FQHC residency clinic in San Bernardino, CA. Along with caring for our diverse underserved population, I enjoy continuously learning and training the next generation of physicians. I look forward to engaging with this community. 

    Mai-Linh Tran
    Colton CA

  • 67.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-29-2023 16:59

    Hi Dan great to meet you all. 

    While I am new to the AAHIVM site I have working in HIV care since the middle 90's left HIV about 10 years ago and have found my way back. I am a FNP in New York and it seems like I have a lot of catching up to do. Looking fwd to learning along with all of you. 

    Joe Ida FNP 

    Joseph Ida
    rvc NY

  • 68.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-30-2023 02:15

    Thank  you  Dan  for  your  invitation. My  names   are  weko  gomer  Lulendo . I am  Medical  doctor  from  DR Congo  but  I   live   in  Botswana  since 2010  where  I  am  working  as  District  ARV  site  manager  in  my     District  which  Kgalagadi  South. Botswana  is  the  third   country   in  the world  with  high  prevalence  of  HiV. But  with  a  strong  leadership  and  political  commitment  and  assistance   of  partners  worldwide, the   Country   has  almost  achieved  the 95/95/95   UNAIDS ' s  objectives. I  am  happy  of  joining  this  group  for  sharing  our  challenges  and  experiences  with  other  colleagues.

    Weko  gomer  Lulendo, MD, MPHIL(HIV/AIDS) management 

    Weko LULENDO

  • 69.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-30-2023 14:29

    Glad to meet you as well. 

    Joseph Ida
    rvc NY

  • 70.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-20-2023 10:39

    Hello Dan,
    Thank you for introducing yourself. My name is Melanie Proctor. I graduated with my PharmD from SDSU in 2004. I am also a Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacist (BCGP). I have worked most of my career as a consultant pharmacist for assisted living facilities and long term care facilities. During that time I also developed an online tracking system to aid clinics, hospitals and long term care facilities in enhancing their tracking and reporting of antibiotic use for their antimicrobial  stewardship programs. This company was co-founded with another pharmacist and we have since sold it to a larger IT focused company in hopes it continues to be a useful system into the future.
    I have recently accepted a position in a Ryan White funded clinic in Minneapolis, MN as a medication adherence specialist. I am looking forward to learning more about treating HIV patients in my new new position and use my background in geriatrics to enhance the treatment of the elderly with HIV. I am have taken my 45 CE credits as first step in becoming an HIV certified pharmacist.

    I have no music abilities but certainly enjoy listening to those who do. I love the outdoors and in my spare time you can find me hiking state and national parks with my dog Tucker.

    Melanie Proctor
    Excelsior MN

  • 71.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 05-08-2023 10:46

    Hello! I am a pharmacist at Children's Medical Center in Dallas, TX. I've been working alongside a team of providers and other healthcare professionals with pediatric HIV patients since 2003. I may not post often but I do enjoy reading the discussions and comments. I'm always looking to learn something new!

    Sanju Patel
    McKinney TX

  • 72.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 05-23-2023 14:42

    Hello !

    My name is Ngwe Adeline Ndikum, final year pharmacy student from University of Maryland Eastern Shore - School of Pharmacy. I am currently doing my APPE rotation at the Academy and look forward to acquiring knowledge in the field of HIV and building connections as I move forward in my journey to becoming a pharmacist. 

    Ngwe Adeline Ndikum
    Princess Anne MD

  • 73.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-01-2024 07:01

    Hi Ngwe,  My Name is Henry. I wish you well in this ever, expanding field of pharmacy.  I've been a pharmacist for more than 15 years and have watched the profession of pharmacy grow.  I wish you well.

    Henry Bryant
    Pembroke Pines FL

  • 74.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 08-24-2023 17:12

    Habari Dan!

    My name is David Ochara. I recently joined the wonderful team at Mattapan Community Health Center as an HIV PrEP and STI Coordinator. In 2013, when I graduated with a bachelor's in microbiology from Jomo Kenyatta University in Kenya, working at an American health facility was never on my dream list. My mind was clear that I had to be part of the solution to the HIV pandemic in some way. That said, I am here now, really having a good time in Massachusetts with my team members and our patients.

    My training in the university afforded me a brief stint at one Kenya's largest referral hospitals where I worked in the hospital's laboratory and coordinated community initiatives to prevent mother to child HIV transmission- a rampant health challenge in the lakeside city at that time. I later moved to the capital Nairobi where I cofounded a community organization as a safe space for LGBTIQ youth and refugees. Morphing into a church, our group provided psychosocial and psychospiritual wellness to majority marginalized groups. I led this group for close to 9 years utilizing faith-based frameworks to advocate for access to health and reproductive health rights for all. As an ordained Pastor, my desire is to continue serving our communities by integrating the intersecting factors of science, spirituality and psychedelics in wholesome wellness and towards HIV care and zero new transmission. That is my little thing. 

    David Ochara
    Cambridge MA

  • 75.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 03-01-2024 07:54

    Habari gani, David.  My name is Henry.  I really enjoy, reading your introduction. You project great energy and creativity in the field of healthcare.  I am particularly drawn to the psychospiritual wellness, incorporating it into the practice of healthcare.  Nairobi, Kenya fascinates me, because I would like to travel to different countries on the great continent of Africa. I am a pharmacist, now, for 15 years. I really enjoy, working in healthcare.  Anyways, you keep up the good work.

    Henry Bryant
    Pembroke Pines FL

  • 76.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 08-30-2023 07:39

    Hello everyone,

    My name is Anique Tchio. I am a third year pharmacy student from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore School of Pharmacy. I am currently doing my APPE rotation here at the academy. During this rotation, I will be working on some projects and Journal Club presentations as well. If you would like to attend my journal club presentation, please feel free to reach me at

    I look forward to meeting and learning from you all.

    Anique Tchio                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PharmD candidate

    anique Tchio
    New Carrollton MD

  • 77.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 10-20-2023 12:51

    Hello Dan and community members!

    Thanks for the invitation.

    My name is Ali Mirfakhar. I am a Pharmacist in South Florida-Fort Lauderdale center.

    I am happy to be part of this community and looking forward to future engagements and connections with different clinicians for better patient care.

    Glad to be here!

    Plantation FL

  • 78.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 10-24-2023 12:31
    Edited by Dan Ebeling 10-24-2023 12:32

    Welcome Ali! Is great to have more pharmacists joining us. 

    Laura Armas-Kolostroubis
    Sarasota FL

  • 79.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 10-31-2023 10:16

    Hello everyone!

    Well, I'm a Guatemalan psychiatrist working for the Guatemalan Social Security Institute reference Hospital currently residing in Quetzaltenango. 

    Have been involved with PWH and follow up to those who might develop any mental health issues. 

    Warm hugs.

    Gustavo Mérida Reina Amaya
    La Esperanza

  • 80.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 11-06-2023 12:02

    Hello everyone!

    My name is Mumsy Wilberforce. A PharmD candidate from the university of Maryland Eastern Shore school of pharmacy. I am currently on my APPE rotation at the academy with Dr. Riley who is my preceptor. While on this rotation, I look forward to collaborating and learning from the various healthcare professionals in the field of HIV, which I believe will enable me to expand my knowledge on HIV disease and treatment overall.  

    Mumsy Wilberforce
    Princess Anne MD

  • 81.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 11-21-2023 20:08

    Hello Dan

    Thanks for the invitation. I am a board certified Nurse Practitioner and I offer outpatient Primary Care services at my practice in the Englewood, New Jersey area. I am interested in offering HIV care services including PrEP and I am looking forward to learning more about this community. Thank you for the opportunity.

    Regina Williams
    Englewood NJ

  • 82.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 12-10-2023 10:13

    Hi everyone,

    My name is Jamie Felberg and I am an Associate Professor of Hospital Medicine at Texas Tech School of Medicine.  My interest is bridging public health services and hospitals and am working on a clinic to help transition patients out of the hospital which will be at our local health department.  We are very interested in providing HIV and Hepatitis C treatment as this goes way underutilized in our community/region.  Thanks!

    Jamie Felberg
    Lubbock TX

  • 83.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 01-24-2024 00:37

    Hello Everyone,

    Thank you for the invitation Dan

    I am Rashmi Mathew, internal medicine physician at Santa Cruz Health Care Clinic. I recently joined the HIV/Hepatitis care team at Santa Cruz, involved in taking care of outpatient HIV care along with Primary care medicine. I am passionate regarding learning more regarding HIV and Hepatitis to improve my practice. Looking forward to learn from all of you.

    Santa Cruz CA

  • 84.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 01-24-2024 18:20

    Hello all. My name is Vincent Pinder.  I am the executive director of Alive Family Service of Philadelphia. in Philadelphia, PA.

    Alive Family Services of Philadelphia is an organization dedicated to the fight against HIV/AIDS. AFSP started in response to the devastating impact that HIV/AIDS is having in our communities. The organization engages Black, brown, and Latino populations and meets the evolving needs of our diverse community in response to the epidemic. AFSP currently offers HIV/AIDS prevention and care services, including (but not limited to) HIV Medical Case Management, HIV/STD Screening, linkage Services, and referrals to other services.

    I have been working with HIV/AIDS  clients for 20 years and overall 31 years of working in social service.

    visit our website and follow us on social media

    Nice to meet all of you.

    vincent pinder
    Wyncote PA

  • 85.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 02-06-2024 16:34

    Thank you Dan!

    I am Emanuel (Manny) Vergis.  I am an Infectious Disease (ID) specialist and HIV provider in San Francisco, CA.  I trained at the University of Pittsburgh in Internal Medicine and ID, and was the academic fellowship program director until 2016.  My partner and I relocated to California in 2016.  I am currently working at One Medical in the Castro in San Francisco.  I have been taking care of HIV patients since 1999 and in my current position since 2016.  When I'm not at work, I enjoy being outdoors or baking.

    Emanuel Vergis
    San Rafael CA

  • 86.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 04-24-2024 16:49
    Edited by Leticia Shea 04-24-2024 16:49


    My name is Leticia Shea. I am a pharmacist in Denver, CO and I support several different primary care clinics in the city and surrounding suburbs. I really look forward to learning from everyone and sharing my stories, as are applicable. I am working on my Masters in Pharmacogenomics (or Precision Medicine) from the University of Florida, and I find myself often consulting on medication modifications for our patients living with HIV due to drug-gene/ drug-drug-gene interactions. I am a Professor of Pharmacy at Regis University and based on my exposure to patients living with HIV in the primary care setting, I'm hoping to implement more HIV integration into the other topics I teach which include diabetes, Rheumatoid arthritis (+ other autoimmune conditions), and Self-Care.

    Looking forward to collaborating!


    Leticia Shea, PharmD, BCACP (she/her)

    Denver, CO

    Leticia Shea
    Aurora CO

  • 87.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 05-31-2024 09:57

    Hello Dan, 

     Thank you for the invitation. Hello all. I'm thrilled to join this community and connect with fellow healthcare professionals! I'm an Associate Medical Director at an FQHC specializing in primary care and HIV treatment. In addition to my clinical work, I'm also passionate about nephrology, which I practice part-time in a dialysis clinic. On top of that, I serve as an adjunct professor at Nicholls State University.

    I'm eager to engage in discussions, share insights, and learn from the diverse perspectives of this community. Looking forward to connecting with you all!

    Eleisa Floyd

    Houma, LA

    Eleisa Floyd
    Houma LA

  • 88.  RE: Introduce Yourself

    Posted 24 days ago

    Good Afternoon Everyone,

    My name is Martel, and I currently practice as a nurse practitioner in a federally qualified health center in Chicago, IL. I started practicing in HIV care for people living with HIV recently due to the need in the community I serve. I currently am completing a post-master program in HIV management at Duke University to further my knowledge based in HIV prevention and management. There have been so many advancements in the treatment of HIV in the last decade; this is amazing. We are witness the effectiveness of long-acting injectables, and research on longer-acting oral medications. I look forward to the future and collaboration with all of you. 



    Martel Warden
    Joliet IL